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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Haryana Urban Development Authority HUDA Results

The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA), a statutory body of Haryana Govt. was constituted under the Haryana Urban Development Authority Act, 1977. Before the constitution of HUDA, the Deptt. Of Urban Estates, which was established in the year 1962, used to look after the work concerning planned development of urban areas and it functioned under the aegis of the Town & Country Planning Deptt. The functioning of the Urban Estates Deptt. was earlier regulated by the Punjab Urban Estates (Development & Regulations) Act, 1964 and rules made thereunder and the various development activities used to be carried out by different departments of the State Govt. such as P.W.D (B&R), Public Health, Haryana State Electricity Board etc. But it was observed that the involvement of several agencies in the development of Urban Estates at various places had given rise to problems of coordination with the result that growth of most of Urban Estates became slow and caused unnecessary dissatisfaction among the plot-holders in particular and public in general. Besides, as the Deptt. had to follow the financial rules and regulations of Govt., the arrangement of finances and sanction of estimates took a long time and the development works had not kept pace with the required standards of physical development. It was also considered that being Govt. department, it was unable to raise resources from various lending institutions although there were various financial institutions in the country to finance urban development programmes which could be availed of. Thus in order to over come all these difficulties and to achieve the expeditious development of urban estates, it was felt that the Deptt. Of Urban Estates should be converted into such a body which could take up all the developmental activities itself and provide various facilities in the urban estates expeditiously. Accordingly, the Authority has taken over work which was being handled by individual departments.The main functions of Haryana Urban Development Authority are as under :-

* To promote and secure development of urban areas with the power to acquire, sell and dispose off property, both movable and immovable ;

* To acquire, develop and dispose land for residential, industrial and commercial purpose ;

* To make available developed land to Haryana Housing Board and other bodies for providing houses to economically weaker sections of the society ; and

* To undertake building works.

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